Welcome to the final W-Files of 2023. It has been pleasing to see a large number of events, activities and end-of-year excursions take place during this busy time. This includes arts and media showcases, music concerts, transition events, Year 9 Immersion project expo, exams and Headstart programs. We welcomed new families with our Year 6-to-7 orientation evening followed by an orientation day for our next cohort of students.
Unfortunately, this year we were unable to hold our whole school assembly in the town hall due to poor weather. However, we quickly reorganised and held two campus-based assemblies in the Centenary Theatre and Bayview Gym, where we celebrated student achievements, showcased our programs and presented reflections and plans for the future.
In my address to the students, I spoke about many highlights from the year that was, such as the new Disability Inclusion model and improvements completed at both campuses, as well as plans for 2024 - including the completion by the end of Term 1 of our new study centre and stage two of the performing arts space! Students were also excited to hear we are introducing a new addition to our wellbeing team, a youth worker who will work with students and staff to support student wellbeing.
New Award
I also announced a new major award at the assembly. An award I was inspired to introduce based on a recent letter I received from one of our Year 12s, thanking me and the staff for the belief, opportunities and support received during their time at WHS. This, they said, allowed them to overcome personal challenges over a number of years to complete Year 12 and now be in a position to pursue their lifelong career passions even though it would have been much easier to have given up.
What was shared in this letter was personal so I am unable to go into details, but it was thoroughly moving to have been given the privilege of insight into this young person’s journey. The new award will forever (privately) be dedicated to them: the Williamstown High School Principal’s Hold Fast Award. It will be awarded to three students each year: a Bayview and Pasco student at our end-of-year assemblies, and to a Year 12 student at graduation. It aims to recognise their efforts for staying the course, overcoming challenges and embracing opportunities.
The criteria for this award stem from our wonderful school motto and reflects the journey many of our students have had in recent years. An honour board will be put up in each campus office area highlighting these achievements and expounding the meaning behind “Hold Fast”.

WHS Hold Fast Award winners: Andrea Vaquero, Ella Bloxham & Isaac Makitae Marlow.

PFA and School Council
I would like to recognise and acknowledge all members of our School Council and Parents and Friends Association for their time, energy and support this year. Early in 2024, I will be calling for nominations for a number of vacated School Council positions. I certainly encourage everyone to consider joining.
2024 Student Captains
Congratulations to our 2024 Student Captains, who were announced and proudly presented at the recent year-level assemblies:

The Class of 2023
The class of 2023 will indeed be remembered fondly for many reasons. The bittersweet faces as they concluded their schooling on jumper signing day will remain with us for some time to come. They have been an extremely talented and vibrant cohort. Thank you to the fantastic team of Year 12 teachers and the Year Level Coordinators, Angus Rodda and David Urwin, for their great leadership and care. The support from parents, guardians and families during their final year of schooling is a vital component and something that is appreciated by all staff members at Williamstown High School.
We were pleasantly surprised to be asked by the premier’s office to host the Hon. Jacinta Allan MP as well as two state ministers, the Hon. Gayle Tierney MLC and the Hon. Melissa Horne MP, on Monday, 11 December. The premier chose the school as the place to send out her media message of congratulations to all Year 12 students across the state, as well as to our very own class of 2023. WHS is highly regarded as a school that provides excellence in pathway opportunities for our students with acknowledgement made of both our VCE and VCE-VM student achievements.

It was very pleasing to be able to finish the year with our Year 12 Graduation Night, held at the Town Hall. Students and staff were able to celebrate the many successes and reminisce about the challenges in both a relaxed and formal setting. We set a record for WHS with 12 percent of our students’ study scores being over 40. An ATAR of over 90 was achieved by 28 students, and 65 percent received an ATAR over 70. We had perfect study scores of 50 in English Literature, Media, Outdoor & Environmental Studies, and Creative & Digital Media (VCE VET). Sophie Page was named the 2023 Dux with an ATAR of 99.15. The school also attained a median study score of 32.
We are extremely proud of the efforts of all our students and staff, and all of their achievements. Additional information relating to student achievement will be published in the W-Files next year. We wish the class of 2023 the best of luck as they venture beyond the school walls, and we look forward to hearing about their future successes in the years that follow.
I would like to wish the whole school community a happy and safe holiday and I look forward to an exciting 2024.
Hold fast!
Williamstown High School.
Gino Catalano | Principal