Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 | Year 11 | Year 12 |
Structure and Purpose | |||||
At the start of each day the students meet as a homegroup. The homegroup structure provides an environment where students feel comfortable and supported. Students will receive daily information via the school bulletin during the homegroup morning sessions. The homegroup teacher provides pastoral care to students. The Homegroup Program at the Bayview Campus has a curriculum which is specific for each year level. Each year level has a fortnightly assembly. | Each day after recess, the students meet as a homegroup. In this session, students receive daily information via the school bulletin about events and announcements taking place at school and in the greater community. The homegroup environment also provides a consistent base for students to communicate with their homegroup teacher and receive pastoral care. There are regular extended assemblies where students receive information specific to their year level. |
* School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework - introduction activities * Organisational & study skills * eSmart skills * Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship activities * Emotional literacy activities; what I believe in and what I stand for * Growth Mindset * Personal strength activities * Positive coping activities * Problem solving activities; how to be happy, proofing yourself * Traditional activities for Grade 6 to Year 7 - building friendships, daily routines, campus tour, locker organisation, using diary * Stress management activities; introduction to your brain, how to calm yourself down, Success Assassins * Assertive help seeking, peer support * Random Acts of Kindness * Student transition and resilience program * Class yearbook project. | * School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework - consolidation activities * eSmart skills * Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship activities * Emotional literacy activities; hidden emotions * Growth Mindset * Personal strength activities; finding your top five strengths * Positive coping activities; what is self talk, remembering our strengths * Problem solving activities; * Stress management activities; what is stress * Help seeking activities; assertive help seeking what can you say, peer support * Careers and Pathways activities * Gratitude challenge * Student transition and resilience program; my friendship skills. | • School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework- consolidation activities • Organisational & study skills • eSmart skills • Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship activities • Growth Mindset • Emotional literacy activities; emotions vocabulary, body language empathy quiz, hidden emotions • Personal strengths activities; introducing assertiveness • Positive coping activities • Problem solving activities • Stress management activities • Help seeking activities • Careers and Pathways activities • Year 10/11 course selection work • Be the Hero program • Student transition and resilience program • Morissby online testing. | * School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework- consolidation activities * Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship activities (resilience, stress management, inclusivity, building a safe school,) * Growth Mindset, Celebrating Diversity, Feminism, Drug and Alcohol Education and Understanding Consent * Incursions around driving, social violence, gambling and Youth Mental Health First Aid * Work Experience and OHS preparation. * Pathways research and introduction to My Future * VCE, VCAL & VET pathways presentation. | * School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework- consolidation activities * Organisational & study skills * Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship activities (resilience, stress management, helping peers) * Incursions for organisation and study skills, safe driving, career talks * Introduction to using VTAC website, and career research using My Future and other career tools. * Introduction to using VTAC website, and career research using My Future and other career tools. * Incursions and workshops around Respectful Relationships | * School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework- consolidation activities * Organisational & study skills * Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationship Activities (resilience, stress management, positive coping) * Exam management - exam revision lectures, incursions for exam strategies * Pathway & VTAC discussions and monitoring of applications * Careers & Pathways updates via weekly assemblies. * Incursions and workshops around Respectful Relationships |
Homegroup Incursions/Excursions and Camps
Year Seven | Year Eight | Year Nine | Year Ten | Year Eleven | Year Twelve |
Homegroup Incursions/Excursions | |||||
• Project Rockit: a program based on empowering students to stand up to bullying, hate and prejudice instead of standing by watching. The workshops explore themes of inclusion, respectful relationships, social leadership, diversity, values and ethics and empathy. • Flipside: anti bullying program that explores the responsible/ethical use of technology for improving student wellbeing and mental health • Term 4 homegroup excursion (pastoral care and end of year celebration) • End of year Adventure Park excursion. | • Verbal Combat- cyber safety and cyber-bullying in schools is addressed through a cutting educational theatre performance • Term 4 homegroup excursion (pastoral care and end of year celebration) • End of year Adventure Park excursion. | • Cheap Thrills- educational theatre that tackles the consequences of risk taking and substance abuse • Year 9 into 10 transition afternoon • Term 4 homegroup excursion (pastoral care and end of year celebration) • End of year Adventure Park excursion. | • Youth Mental Health First Aid and additional wellbeing sessions • Yr 10 Work Experience • VicRoads Road Smart: safe driving and access to a free driving lesson • Family Planning Victoria: Healthy Relationships and Consent • Victoria Police: social media awareness • Pat Cronin Foundation: social violence prevention • Living Positive • Manbox Incursion • Resilience and Motivational guest presenter | • Elevate Education Study Sensei: study skills and organisational skills • Fit to Drive: safe driving • University experience: visits to 2 universities • Respectful Relationships guest speaker: gender equality and violence prevention. • Headspace Resilience and Self Care speaker | • Motivational Speaker: building resilience and healthy mindset • Year-level morning tea • Buddy week • Party safe seminar: alcohol and drug education and drink driving prevention • Elevate Education Finishing Line: exam preparation • WRICA Careers expo: tertiary education, apprenticeships and career information • Connect Education and exam revision lectures • Yr 12 Formal • Yr 12 VTAC Counselling: course applications. • Anti-Social Behaviour Incursion |
Year Level Camp Program | |||||
Camp Kangaroobie: the residential camping program aims to improve students’ understanding of rural environments via the farm activities program. Teamwork and self development are a strong focus and a number of activities provide opportunities for these to be developed in an experiential way, for example the ropes course and canoeing. | Roses Gap Camp: the Year 8 level camp is designed to develop interpersonal relationships through team building and outdoor activities. It aims to challenge and stimulate student learning and build students’ independence, resilience and problem solving ability via a range of activities, including archery, raft building, crate stack, low ropes and the giant swing. | Tasmania Camp: the camp is an opportunity for students to build relationships with classmates and staff, whilst celebrating their time at Bayview Campus. Snow Camp: students are offered a pastoral care camp which allows students to challenge themselves in an environment outside the norm. | Queensland Camp: this program provides an opportunity to continue to develop positive relationships between students across the cohort and to further enhance a supportive environment prior to the commencement of VCE or VCAL. | Year 12 Camp the focus of this camp is to and improve preparation resilience and confidence for the final school year, as well as enhance peer connections. Student Leadership Camp: provides the student leaders with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and plan initiatives. |
Parent Information | |||||
• Year 7 BBQ • Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training | • Year 8 Parent Information Evening | • Year 9 Parent Information Evening • Year 9 into 10 Course Selection Evening | • Year 10 BBQ Evening • Year 10 into 11 Course Selection Information Evening • Year 10 into 11 Course Confirmation Sessions | • Year 11 Parent Information Evening • Year 11 into 12 Course Counselling | • Year 12 Parent Information Evening • Year 12 Awards and Graduation Evening • Exam and VTAC Information Evening |