The Debating Program at Williamstown High School provides students in every year level the opportunity to enhance their self-confidence and public speaking skills through regular training and competitive inter-school debates.
For more than a decade, WHS has been involved with the Debater’s Association of Victoria (DAV), a renowned provider of coaching and competition for schools students across the state. Our students have a long tradition of participating successfully in both DAV’s Junior Schools Program (JSP) and Inter-school State Competition.
We are pleased to advise that we are hosting the Western Region Intermediate Debating competition again this year. Students are welcome to join and express their interest.
Junior Schools Program (JSP): Years 7 & 8
Students in junior secondary can participate in the DAV Junior Schools Program, which provides them with training and structured support to prepare and present a speech persuasively. It encourages teamwork in students, builds their self-confidence and develops their research skills in a low-risk environment.
Inter-school Competition: Years 8-12
WHS students in the middle and later years can enter in the DAV Inter-school Debating Competition, which is the largest English speaking debating competition in the world. Students work together in teams to build up a case debating controversial topics relevant to todays’ society. They are guided and coached to develop their skills of communication, as well as their ability to think critically and analytically.
In addition to gaining knowledge and building skills, these debating programs are FUN! Students become addicted to the thrill of standing before an audience with something interesting to say and the competitive drive to win the argument. They also thrive on the collegiality of the teamwork involved and gain a significant sense of self achievement.
Wynspeak competition
This year, two students from each campus will represent Williamstown
High School in the Wynspeak public speaking competition. Students
compete against students from a range of schools in the Wyndham area by
presenting an engaging speech on a topic of their choice. If successful,
the students can then go on to represent Wyndham at the state Rostrum
Voice of Youth Competition.

If you have any questions or inquiries about our Debating program please contact our Debating Coordinators:
Corey Genis (Bayview Campus)
Tim Lilley (Pasco Campus)
The Debaters Association of Victoria website