Dear Williamstown High School families,
Welcome to this month’s edition of the W-Files. Students have been busily participating in a range of intra- and interschool events, some of which include debating; Year 9 Morrisby interviews; 2024 subject selection and counselling, sporting competitions; Maths, LOTE and NAIDOC weeks; and a number of musical events including the VET organised War Child charity concert.
One event I would like to mention was our major whole school production that we hold every second year in our amazing Centenary Theatre. This year the production was FAME. After some 12 months of planning, auditions and rehearsals, show time arrived. And no one was left disappointed. The audiences were entertained and gasped at the quality of the performances and slickness of the stage crew.
The student performers were amazing and it was clear they were having a great time and enjoyed the rewards of their hard work. Dean Commons and his team of staff were glowing with pride. On behalf of the WHS community I would like to formally acknowledge and congratulate the students on their effort and outstanding performances, and also thank Dean and his team for their hard work, commitment as well as their high expectations of this wonderful event.

Curriculum Day
At our most recent Curriculum Day the focus was on student engagement and wellbeing. Our external presenter in the morning session explored various forms of bullying, in particular online harassment, and how schools and families can heighten awareness and support. One comment made, which I thought was extremely powerful and had me, as a parent, reflecting, was “the best advice I can give families is to make bedrooms and bathrooms a no device area”. This does appear challenging, especially when we consider many students conducted online learning from their bedrooms, but when considered against the dangers and potential predatory interactions encountered, it provides much to consider.
The second session of the professional development focused on staff working on our new school posters about bullying, and expectations to ensure consistent and effective responses from all staff. Session 3 provided staff with a range of related workshops to further enhance capabilities in this space. Staff were extremely engaged throughout the day and appreciated not only what they learnt but also the sense of responsibility both staff and parents/carers have in protecting and guiding our adolescents. As always, our behaviour expectations of “Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner” underpin our beliefs in this area.
Building Updates
Following my last update about our stage 2 performing arts and study centre build, I am pleased to confirm works continue to progress well and we are well on the way (if not advanced) for the buildings to be handed over to the school in the first quarter of 2024. I will continue to provide brief updates through the W-Files as to progress and completion dates.
Our Q Block building foundation works rectification is also progressing nicely. In very good news we are currently in discussions to totally replace and upgrade the Q block external courtyard. This is part of our Pasco grounds master plan, but we are now in a position to fast track this section. We are hoping this courtyard work will be completed by the start of Term 4 for our Year 10 students to enjoy as the weather improves.
Polo tops
I recently mentioned our Bayview student leaders have been very active in lobbying for a review of our polo tops, primarily increasing the thickness of our white tops to improve student comfort and safety. In good news, we have met with our uniform supplier Dobsons and informed them of our support to ensure we have a comfortable, safe and inclusive uniform. Samples of materials were provided and I have shown these to the student leaders and received a very favourable response. School Council has endorsed the changes and we have now instructed the uniform supplier to go ahead and produce the new polo tops with the improved weave and thickness. Another great example of the passion and care of our student leaders, as well as the importance and value we place in empowering student voice.
Business Manager
Our long serving business manager, Tracey Fogarty, informed me during Term 2 that after a long and successful career she was retiring. Tracey has been a highly valued member of my leadership team throughout my nine years as principal. She has been extremely knowledgeable and had a genuine desire to at all times pursue what was best for WHS. However, the time came where greater family time and travel experiences beckoned, hence Tracey made what was a difficult decision for her to venture into retirement. We wish Tracey all the best for what lies ahead and thank her for 20 years of wonderful service to the Williamstown community in a range of roles.
Following this, I can announce that following a state-wide recruitment process, I am extremely pleased to announce that we have appointed a new business manager, Tess Duerden. Tess spent a brief period working at Williamstown High School as our HR manager. Following this Tess secured a business manager role and now comes back to us with over five years experience in this very important position. We are very fortunate to have appointed Tess and I look forward to working alongside her to continue to ensure that both our curriculum programs are fully resourced and our ongoing vision to improve and expand our facilities continues.
Hold fast.