Principal Report
Welcome to the 2023 school year. It has been extremely pleasing to see the staff and students at both Bayview and Pasco begin the school year in a positive and settled manner. The spirit among students and staff at several events I have attended, such as the Year 12 Camp and Swimming Sports Carnival, has been as positive and healthy as I have seen in all my time at WHS. There has been genuine joy on the faces of our students as they interact with each other in such a supportive manner.
This continued focus on creating an environment where we all enjoy learning, working and socialising will be further enhanced with a new structure in place to support student engagement and wellbeing. We have two Year Level Coordinators at each year level replacing the Student Management Leader system, with increased time and responsibilities. The focus of their roles will be to ensure the “Wellbeing of Learning” is in place for each and every student. What this means is that we want to continue to develop an environment where every student feels they belong, they are engaged, they are attending, and they have control and initiative over their learning.
This year we have decided to purchase a second school bus (currently on order to arrive mid-year) to keep excursion costs down for students as current costs for external buses have exploded. And, of course, this year we launch our new school jumper (at the end of Term 1), which I know our students are quite excited about.
Please enjoy reading about the range of student experiences that have already taken place this year in our first edition of the W-Files for 2023.

Building Projects for 2023
This year, after several delays, we will complete the building of stage two of our performing arts and VCE centre; we will undergo a half-a-million-dollar upgrade to the student toilet facilities at Pasco, both modernising and ensuring inclusivity; a range of court surfaces, including the synthetic and basketball courts, will be upgraded this year, and plans are in place for the rest to be completed in 2024. We are also looking to increase the number of Instrumental Music spaces at Bayview to accommodate the high demand for our IM program. We have also secured government funding to address the foundation movement (leading to cracks in walls, etc) at Pasco Campus’s Q Block, with initial work commencing soon followed by cosmetic repairs once those are completed.
2022 VCE and VCAL Results
The results achieved by our Year 12 students of 2022 were exceptional. We were very pleased to see 38 students achieving ATARs of more than 90 (a record for WHS), with 48% attaining over 80 - also the highest ever percentage over 80 for WHS. We had three students achieve a perfect study score of 50 in the subjects of English Language, Accounting and Media. Our dux, Shirley Lin, achieved an ATAR of 99.70. With 99% of the cohort successfully obtaining their VCE certificate, the Year 12 cohort also achieved our highest ever mean ATAR, placing us among elite schools in terms of VCE outcomes. Our Year 12 VCAL students were also very successful, with all achieving senior certificates and employment placements. Such certificates allow our VCAL students to pursue immediate employment opportunities as well as further study options such as advanced VET certificates. A record 95% of our students received first round offers. It is pleasing to hear many of these individuals with their diverse pursuits attribute their pathways to success - and the fact that doors have been opened for them - to their time at WHS. We wish the Class of 2022 the best of luck with their future endeavours, and we look forward to hearing of their achievements in years to come.
School Council Elections
Please find in this edition of the W-Files information about the upcoming School Council elections. Our School Council is dynamic and plays a key role in policy development and setting the direction of the school. I would encourage any interested parents or guardians to consider nominating for council. Please note, all school councillors are required to have a current Working with Children Check or acquire one once elected (this is free for volunteer categories). Please feel free to contact me regarding any questions you may have in relation to the election process.
Key Staff
Please see below the staff attached to key roles within the school this year:
Campus Principal Teams
Name | Role | Campus P=Pasco BV=Bayview |
Karen Anderson | Campus Principal | BV |
Darren Nicholas | Campus Assistant Principal | BV |
Daniel Pearce | Campus Principal | P |
Corrine Hall | Campus Assistant Principal | P |
Gavin Clifford | Strategic Assistant Principal | BV/P |
Leading Teacher positions for 2023
Name | Leadership Role | Campus |
Anita Gatti-Smith | Curriculum Middle Years | BV |
Hannah Vu | Curriculum Later Years | P |
Isabella O’Malley | Year 7 Year Level Coordinator | BV |
Stewart Wilson | Year 8 Year Level Coordinator | BV |
Tyson Hartwig | Year 9 Year Level Coordinator | BV |
Demi Geary | Year 10 Year Level Coordinator | P |
Michael Patchell | Year 11 Year Level Coordinator | P |
Angus Rodda | Year 12 Year Level Coordinator | P |
Anna Bovdis | Pathways & Transitions | P/BV |
Connie Messina | Inclusive Education | P/BV |
Learning Specialist positions for 2023
Name | Learning Specialist Focus | Campus |
Grace Robertson | Teaching & Learning | BV |
Bonnie Wong | Teaching & Learning | P |
Matt Grose | Teaching & Learning | P |
Cory Duker | Mathematics | P/BV |
Liz Lorenc | Literacy | BV |
Glenn Kellam | Literacy | P |
2023 Year Level Coordinator Teams
Name | Year Level | Campus |
Isabella O’Malley | 7 | BV |
Nick Madden | 7 | BV |
Stewart Wilson | 8 | BV |
Brittany Lukasik | 8 | BV |
Tyson Hartwig | 9 | BV |
Carmen Wiseman | 9 | BV |
Demi Geary | 10 | P |
Ian Hume | 10 | P |
Michael Patchell | 11 | P |
Simone Barlow | 11 | P |
Angus Rodda | 12 | P |
David Urwin | 12 | P |
2023 Student Wellbeing Coordinators
Name | Campus |
Ann Hyland | BV |
Ann Goller (Terms 2-4) | P |
Alex Robinson (Term 1) | P |
2023 Mental Health Practitioners
Name | Campus |
Christina Frei | BV |
Erin Immel | P |
New Staff
I am looking forward to working with the following new and returning staff as they join our team in 2023.
Name | Campus | Area/Subjects |
Andre Bernardi | Pasco | Maths |
Ashley Lubicz | Pasco | VCE-VM |
Ben Cork | Pasco | English |
Connie Messina | Pasco | Leading Teacher |
Demi Geary | Pasco | Leading Teacher |
Holly Defina | Bayview | Music |
Jenny Fsadni | Bayview | Science/HAPE |
Kelly Constance | Bayview | Science/Humanities |
Leigh Thomson | Pasco | Food Tech |
Maeva Landais | Bayview | French |
Matthew Goodridge-Kelly | Pasco | Science |
Melissa Bui | Pasco | Science |
Michael Patchell | Pasco | Leading Teacher |
Nahtasha Nelson-Miriklis | Bayview | Science |
Nicholas Liubinas | Pasco | Accounting |
Oliver Graham | Bayview | Maths/PE |
Sarah Barry | Bayview | English/Humanities |
Emma Huang | Bayview | Maths |
Thomas Frawley | Bayview | Science/Technology |
Maddison McQuade | Bayview | Reception |
Chris Phillips | Bayview | Food Tech Assistant |
Elissa Rodger | Bayview & Pasco | Instrumental Music |
Kit Millais | Bayview & Pasco | Instrumental Music |
Alice Reid | Bayview | Library |
Rohan Clifford | Pasco | English |
Nils Heyman | Pasco | Art |
Gino Catalano | Principal
Appendix A
Fact Sheet 1. School council elections – Information for parents
What is a school council and what does it do?
All government schools in Victoria have a school council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the broad direction of a school in accordance with their constituting Order and the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. In doing this, a school council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.
Who is on the school council?
For most primary school councils, there are several possible categories of membership:
A mandated elected Parent member category – more than one-third of the total members must be from this category. DET employees can be Parent members at their child’s school as long as they are not engaged in work at the school
A mandated elected DET employee member category – members of this category may make up no more than one-third of the total membership of school council. The principal of the school is automatically one of these members
An optional Community member category – members are co-opted by a decision of the council because of their special skills, interests or experiences. DET employees are not eligible to be Community members
A small number of school councils have Nominee members
For all schools with a Year 7 and above cohort, there is an additional category of membership:
A mandated elected Student member category, two positions
Generally, the term of office for all members is two years. The term of office of half the members expires each year, creating vacancies for the annual school council elections.
Why is parent membership so important?
Parents on school councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help inform and shape the direction of the school.
Those parents who become active on a school council find their involvement satisfying and may also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.
Why is student membership so important
Students have a unique perspective on learning, teaching and schools. Having student members on school council allows students to have a say in the future direction of their school and ensures student input into decision making.
Student representation on secondary school councils will assist in the development of students’ skills, including leadership skills and communication skills.
Do I need special experience to be on school council?
Each member brings their own valuable life skills and knowledge to the role. However, councillors may need to develop skills and acquire knowledge in areas that are unfamiliar to them. It is important to have an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future.
Code of conduct for school councillors
School councils in Victoria are public entities as defined by the Public Administration Act 2004. School councillors must abide by the Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities issued by the Victorian Public Sector Commission. The Code of Conduct is based on the Victorian public sector values and requires councillors to:
act with honesty and integrity (be truthful, open and clear about their motives and declare any real, potential or perceived conflict of interest and duty)
act in good faith in the best interests of the school (work cooperatively with other councillors and the school community, be reasonable, and make all decisions with the best interests of students foremost in their minds)
act fairly and impartially (consider all relevant facts of an issue before making a decision, seek to have a balanced view, never give special treatment to a person or group and never act from self interest)
use information appropriately (respect confidentiality and use information for the purpose for which it was made available)
exercise due care, diligence and skill (accept responsibility for decisions and do what is best for the school)
use the position appropriately (not use the position as a councillor to gain an advantage)
act in a financially responsible manner (observe all the above principles when making financial decisions)
comply with relevant legislation and policies (know what legislation and policies are relevant for which decisions and obey the law)
demonstrate leadership and stewardship (set a good example, encourage a culture of accountability, manage risks effectively, exercise care and responsibility to keep the school strong and sustainable)
Indemnity for school council members
School councillors are indemnified against any liability in respect of any loss or damage suffered by the council or any other person in respect of anything necessarily or reasonably done, or omitted to be done by the councillor in good faith in:
the exercise of a power or the performance of a function of a councillor, or
the reasonable belief that the act or omission was in the exercise of a power or the performance of a function of a council.
In other words, school councillors are not legally liable for any loss or damage suffered by council or others as a result of reasonable actions taken in good faith.
How can you become involved?
The most obvious way is to participate in and vote in the school council elections, which are held in Term 1 each year. However, ballots are only held if more people nominate as candidates than there are positions vacant.
In view of this, you might consider:
standing for election as a member of the school council
encouraging another person to stand for election
School council induction video
The school council induction video provides a summary of the purpose and responsibilities of school councils as well as the roles and responsibilities of school councillors. The video can be viewed on the Department's website at School Councils.
What do you need to do to stand for election?
The principal will issue a Notice of Election and Call for Nominations following the commencement of Term 1 each year. All school council elections must be completed by the end of March unless the usual timeline has been varied by the Education Minister.
If you decide to stand for election, you can arrange for someone to nominate you as a candidate or you can nominate yourself in the Parent member category.
DET employees whose child is enrolled in a school in which they are not engaged in work, are eligible to nominate for Parent membership of the school council at that school.
Once the nomination form is completed, return it to the principal within the time stated on the Notice of Election. You will receive a Nomination Form Receipt via post, email or by hand following the receipt of your completed nomination.
If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on council, a ballot will be conducted during the two weeks after the call for nominations has closed.
Consider standing for election to school council.
Ask at the school for help if you would like to stand for election and are not sure what to do.
Be sure to vote if the election goes to ballot.
Contact the principal for further information.
Williamstown High School Council Election Process and Timetable 2023
Event | Date |
| Thursday 23 February 2023 |
| Thursday 2 March 2023 |
| Friday 3 March 2023 |
| On or before Thursday 9 March 2023 |
| Thursday 16 March 2023 |
| Thursday 16 March 2023 |
| Tuesday 21 March 2023 |
| Tuesday 28 March 2023 |
The following School Council members’ tenure conclude at this election:
Parent Members: Matt Clarkson, Kane Harnden, Jake Mansfield
DET Employees: Jesse Craig
Student Member: Connor De Petro
Seconded Community Member: -
Form 2: Notice of election and call for nominations
An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of Williamstown High School.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the school and must be lodged by 4:00pm on Thursday, 2 March 2023.
The ballot will close at 4:00pm on Thursday, 16 March 2023.
Following the closing of nominations, a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:
Membership category | |
Parent member | |
Term of office | Year |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in | 2023 |
to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in | 2025 |
Number of positions: | 3 |
Membership category | |
DET employee member | |
Term of office | Year |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in | 2023 |
to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in | 2025 |
Number of positions: | 3 |
Membership category | |
Student member | |
Term of office | Year |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in | 2023 |
to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in | 2025 |
Number of positions: | 1 |
Principal signature |
G. Catalano |