Principal Report
Welcome to this edition of our W-Files. I would like to commence this report by acknowledging that even though we are focused on returning to “normality” in terms of our school programs, COVID (and now the new flu strains) is still having an impact with significant numbers of staff and student absences. We aim to ensure students can continue to access school work on Google Classroom from home when sick and also when their teacher is absent due to illness. The Department of Education is working with schools across the state adversely affected by absences, and would do the same with us if needed to minimise the impact. Despite the challenges, I must highlight how pleasing it has been to see our students happily engaging in school life and reconnecting with both peers and staff.
Term 2 has seen a number of regular events and activities occur. Drama productions, excursions, incursions, respectful relationship workshops, camps, careers days and expos at both campuses, Tech Tasters, NAPLAN and our Open Night for prospective Year 7 families on site (with over 800 in attendance) have been just some of the fantastic experiences that have taken place in the first four weeks of this term. The Open Night received glowing feedback from the excited families who attended. It was warming to see the reactions from some Year 6 students even from simply looking at our facilities such as Food Technology, Science and Marine Centre rooms. NAPLAN testing was conducted all online this year and proceeded smoothly with minimal challenges in terms of our internet infrastructure and supports. Both campuses celebrated IDAHOBIT day in the most joyous manner with celebrations of individuals and educational material made prominent. IDAHOBIT is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia. It aims to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ rights violations and stimulate interest in the work being done in this area worldwide.
The 2021 Attitudes to Schools Survey
The Attitudes to School Survey is an annual student survey conducted by the Department of Education and Training. It involves all students from Years 7 to 12. The survey assists us in gaining an understanding of students’ perceptions and experience of school. We use the survey results to assist in planning programs and activities to improve the schooling experience for our students. We will have access to the results during Term 3 and use them to reflect on student engagement and performance. This year the Attitudes to School Survey will take place from Weeks 4 to 8 of Term 2. The survey takes 20-30 minutes to complete and occurs during class time. Privacy and the confidentiality of every student’s responses is protected at all times and there is no personal data collected in the survey.
New School Jumper
Following an extended period of consulting and designing, we received the final prototype of our new school jumper last week. We took the opportunity to show students at both campuses one final time. The excitement and positive response from the Year 10s as well as focus groups of Year 7-9s confirmed this would be well received. We have now informed our uniform suppliers to go into production and have requested a timeline for completion (we anticipate six to eight weeks).
Annual Implementation Plan for 2022
Our 2022 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) has now been finalised, ratified at School Council and is available on our website. The AIP includes the focus areas for our staff and leadership team for this year based on the goals we set in our new 2022-2025 four-year Strategic Plan. One area that we have been working on in recent years and continues to be highlighted in our current AIP is our work on Mathematics, particularly at Years 7-9 where the foundations are set. As a result of this work, there has been significant growth in student outcomes and this has been recognised at a regional level with several requests asking us to present our work in this area to other networks of schools. The presentations highlighted three key areas we have focused on: Early pathways focus - helping our students understand the relevance of mathematics for them and linking this to the impact on pathway options for them Refinements to our mathematics curriculum - a greater connection between our unit plans and our instructional model Critical thinking and mathematical communication focus - finding gaps in understanding and explicit teaching of “solutions vs distractors” The presentations showcased the depth of our work and of particular interest was the positive impact on differentiation and higher order thinking that strategies two and three developed. I would like to thank our Mathematics team and leaders Cory Duker and Dat Che for their continued work in this area. Just to finish off, I would like to mention how pleasing it was to visit our after-school Robotics Club, Homework Club and Alumni Tutoring Programs. I was amazed by the number of students participating and the great atmosphere evident at each of those activities. We have also engaged a senior mathematics tutor to specifically support our Year 12 Mathematics students. All these initiatives we believe impact positively on both student outcomes and, just as importantly, student engagement.