Welcome to this month’s edition of the W-Files. Please enjoy reading and viewing a number of articles and photos on events that have occurred at both campuses this term. It has been a very productive half year for our students and the positive energy at both campuses has been clearly evident.
The recent Year 9 Immersion project showcase was inspiring and engaging. I was impressed by the work put in by all groups and enjoyed listening to how working on these projects had a profound impact on them. Our Year 7s participated in an Aboriginal culture incursion and I had a wonderful and informative time hearing from some of them about how they engaged in symbolic art storytelling. Humanities Week at Bayview also saw a number of activities take place that were enjoyed by both students and staff.
Our Year 12 formal was also a highlight, as were concerts, Immersion presentations, Morrisby career assessments and end of term campus celebration assemblies. I personally appreciated the opportunity to address the students at both campus assemblies with a small speech on the origins and meaning of our school motto: “Hold Fast”.

It has not only been a pleasure but also a saviour (due to a home kitchen renovation) to attend Breakfast Club each week and enjoy a nutritious and tasty start to the day. The enthusiasm of our student Breakfast Club leaders has ensured an amazing vibe is created during this time.
This term we also celebrated and acknowledged the work of our Education Support (ES) staff. The principal team hosted a lunch for our 45-strong ES team during the recent report writing day. Each individual ES staff member was also given a small chocolate gift and a personal note of thanks from either a student or staff member. One of my favourite notes was for one of our science lab technicians and is as follows:
“Thank you for looking after all the dangerous chemicals and making sure our school is not blown up”.
The lunch, small gifts and personalised notes were extremely well received and appreciated by all in attendance.
I would also like to publicly thank our amazing Parents and Friends Association for their ongoing fundraising and contributions to our school facilities and offerings. In particular, well done on the recent Bunnings sausage sizzle event that raised $1800 for WHS.

We will have a handful of staff moving on midyear and I am pleased to announce despite ongoing staffing shortages across the system, we will be commencing Term 3 fully staffed with quality teachers in our classrooms. Campus leaders will update on changes as required.
I would also like to encourage all families to discuss and reflect on the student reports acknowledging achievements as well as discussing and supporting goal setting for improvements.
Examining student exam experiences
Students from Years 9 to 12 recently participated in exams and were well prepared for and invested in these major assessments. These will provide great experience and feedback to our students, reinforcing both what is working well and what new strategies or behaviours need to be explored.
A new initiative was introduced by our Year 9 leaders where our Year 9 students were congratulated on completing their first exam session. Students were provided with a lunch and personalised note from their homegroup teacher, which led to both appreciative students and touching moments that were well received by staff when students followed up with their own notes of thanks. A number of families also sent positive messages about this initiative; please see a small extract below of one example:
Hi Tyson,
Just a note of thanks for making my Year 9's exam experience a positive one. His feedback from the revision session and exams so far have been great and really motivating for him. I also feel you are setting them up well for success in future years’ exams and normalising the formality - thank you.
And the special lunch is such a great touch!! Thanks so much.
Attitudes to School Survey
As previously mentioned, our students recently completed the Attitudes to School Survey. We have now received a summary report of the responses and the leadership team will now look at what our students have told us in terms of their perceptions and how they are feeling about their wellbeing and learning. The leadership team not only looks at identifying focus areas for improvement but also reflecting on highlights to ensure these practices are embedded and continued.
Public Reporting and improvement feedback
We held our Public Reporting meeting on Tuesday, May 21. It was a wonderful opportunity to both reflect on the school’s achievements, review the data, as well as share our vision for the future as we continually strive to improve our school programs and environment. We also made use of this forum to seek ideas from those in attendance on what facilities could be enhanced, as well as seeking feedback on our parent evenings discussing both their importance and how we can maximise family engagement (eg Years 7 and 10 BBQ welcome events and Years 8, 9, 11 and 12 parent information evenings).
One great suggestion received that we will look to include was to incorporate expectations and a sign up for Year 10 Gold Coast camp into the Year 10 BBQ evening. If any family member has further suggestions to enhance these evenings, please email me at the address below. These evenings send a strong message to our young people about the importance of families, staff and students working together to enhance the secondary school experience.
Demand for places
Enrolment demand for our school continues to be strong - well in excess of the places we have available. In line with statewide policy, all students in our school zone are offered places as are all siblings. The remaining places are offered to students purely on a closest distance to the Bayview Campus criteria. Once offers are made, students who have obtained a place are then able to apply for select entry classes or accelerated sports programs.
This continued demand is very pleasing and reflects well on the standing the school has in the community, but also presents a number of challenges in managing the enrolment process and the number of requests from prospective families.
Looking ahead to Term 3
For our staff professional learning, we are currently well underway for planning of our curriculum day, which will be primarily focused on the theme of student wellbeing. We will share some of these learnings through our newsletter next term.
As a result of our ongoing success of both our VCE and VCE-VM programs, we have been asked to showcase our exemplary work in this area to schools in the South Western Region. This is fantastic recognition for our school and our programs. These showcases will occur on July 30 and we look forward to sharing our outstanding work in this space.
I wish all staff, students and their families a relaxing and enjoyable midyear break and look forward to a productive and successful second half of the year.
Hold fast.